Monday, April 18, 2011

Versus a Compact Digital Camera Digital SLR Camera

Digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras are excellent cameras that produce color images clearer, sharper and more than most point and shoot digital cameras available. With the rapid price declines, they are now more affordable that ever existed. With the price difference between an entry model digital SLR cameras and compact digital cameras depletion of the most expensive, the question is ... I spent the extra money and get a digital SLR camera? or save several hundred dollars and buy the best compact digital camera.

In addition to price falls in the Digital SLR models, the performance on these cameras has increased from year to year with the latest digital SLR cameras for faster and faster than ever before. They have improved so that power up or start-up time near instantaneous with virtually no lag time. "Lag time is the time between you pressing the shutter release button and the camera actually taking the picture." This delay can vary quite a bit between different camera models and this is one of the biggest disadvantage compared to compact digital cameras. Latest digital SLR cameras have almost no lag time and react in the same way as conventional film cameras, even in burst mode. Compact digital cameras catching up, but the difference was still significant. A time delay ~ 0.5 seconds can cause you to lose your heart rate at the time and then that picture is great potential.

Digital SLR camera also has a larger sensor than the smaller sensors in compact digital cameras. This is equivalent to higher sensitivity and less noise and results in the camera taking clearer pictures in low light. (They also have better autofocus speed in low light as well). A measure of sensitivity in digital cameras and various ISO ISO typical for a digital SLR camera varies from ISO 100 - 1600 with the latter being more sensitive. ISO range for a compact digital camera varies from ISO 50-400. In short, the higher the ISO rating, the higher sensitivity and good photos can be taken in low light.

Digital SLR cameras have longer battery life because of the limited use of the LCD screen. Please note that as the LCD screen is only used for viewing pictures, the battery life of digital SLR can allow up to 2000 images per charge in some cameras compared to 500 for a good point and shoot digital camera.

Digital SLR cameras also allow you to exchange such as adding zoom lens or macro lens if necessary.


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